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Society and public interest

Quebec and Canada at COP25 - Équiterre highlights the importance of increasing ambition at home.

Quebec and Canada have been busy over the past few days at the United Nations climate conference, despite the fact that negotiations have been stalled...

#Canada #Québec #communiqué #Environnement #équiterre #cop25
5 years ago
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Society and public interest

Carlsberg issues latest Green Fibre Bottle update

The Danish brewer Carlsberg has just unveiled two prototypes of all-organic and recyclable beer bottles, but also without polymer.

#Environnement #Carlsberg #Bière #emballage #prototype #recyclage #biologique
5 years ago
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Society and public interest

The Pizol glacier is dead - commemorative ceremony in the high mountains

On Sunday, at a commemorative ceremony at the foot of the Pizol Glacier, about 250 people said goodbye to the stream from the glacier, the...

#Environnement #Climat #glacier #Pizol #Suisse #Greenpeace
5 years ago
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Society and public interest

Against climate change and air pollution, the Val de Marne Department is developing cycling facilities

New departmental cycling projects will contribute to achieving the objective of the County Council of Val-de-Marne to reach the 9% of bicycle trips by 2030.

#france #communiqué #Vélo #Environnement #société #valdemarne #cyclable